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Daily Market Commentary

Comments:  December 29, 2005

Long for Friday. 50% Velocity.  As our T-Index once again dropped to +12, lowest reading of the year,  the market weakened.  We reduced our long position to 50%.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 28, 2005

Long for Thursday.  100% Velocity.  Improvement in our t-index, now +15 and a strengthening of the probabilities should lead to an up-day on Thursday.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1252 and 1265.  For the Nasdaq 100 we have 1649 and 1696.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 27, 2005

Long for Wednesday.  100% Velocity.  Our probabilities strengthened  but once again our T-Index weakened, closing at +12.  Looks like there is danger ahead.  Since our T-Index is only an approximation +12 is not very comforting as to the strength of the economy.  The yield curve does not have to invert to signal danger.  A yield of 4% in the T-Bills and 4.25% in the 10 year notes would give us a negative T-Index.  I will post another long term report prior to year end.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 23, 2005

Long for Tuesday.  100% Velocity.  Our daily signal improved to 100% long, as our T-Index weakened to +13.  This index is too weak to give us any feelings of confidence for the new year as far as the economy is concerned.  Another rate hike by the fed would surely push the index into negative territory and it may not even take that much to send us into a tail spin.  In light of this I will have another long term report prior to year end.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 22, 2005

Money market for Friday.  We moved 100% into the money market for Friday.  Our signal was "short", but we did not have support from the probabilities.  Couple this with the day before Christmas holiday and it seemed best to go into the money market.  On a negative note the T-Index lost ground to +15.  This is the lowest we have seen since the recovery and indicates to me that the economy will not be able to support another Fed rate increase.  With corporations flush with cash and not having any good investment choices there is little competition for funds, leaving the 10 year bonds floating along under 4.5%.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 21, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Thursday.  With the transit strike and Christmas we should see more reduced trading days this week and next.  The T-Index closed at +19.  We continue fully long.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 20, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Wednesday.  Cyclical influences are now positive. The T-Index closed at +18, not great, but above zero.   Our signal continues strong and we are fully long.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 19, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Tuesday.  Monday was a big disappointment.  We are holding on.   Our signal continues strong and we are fully long.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 18, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Monday.  I am ready for a resumption of the rally.  Our signal continues strong and we are fully long.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 15, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity for Friday.  T-index now at +21.  We should see higher prices and we remain "long", but I do not expect any major gains till late next week.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 14, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity for Thursday.  Rates on 10 year notes dropped to 4.45%. Our T-index is now 22.  We have a full "Long" signal, but the probabilities are not overly strong.  Looks like some cyclical pressure will be coming in on Friday and Monday which should keep the lids on any strong gains.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 13, 2005

100% Money market for Wednesday.  Tuesday the Fed confirmed what the market already knew. We are near the end of the tightening sequence and they raised rates by another quarter.  More important for us was the reaction of our T-Index which closed at +25 and very stable.  10 year notes are actually lower today than on October 31st, a day before the last interest rate raise.  Our probabilities are mixed, but stronger on the NDX while our Signal was mildly short.  Looked like it was best to stay out since the signal and probabilities  were in conflict.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 12, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Tuesday.  Another fully long signal.  Tuesdays often reverse Monday's direction, but we should continue higher.  The T-Index continues to strengthen closing at +26.  The market is having trouble going higher, mostly because of the increase in the price of oil (once again over $60 a barrel).  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 10, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Monday.  We continue our string of strong up signals.  I expect the market to continue its up-trend as the week progresses.  The T-Index strengthened to + 25.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1250 and 1267.  For the NDX look for 1675 and 1713.  New long-term forecast was posted Dec 6th...Read it!  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 8, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Friday.  I believe we can safely buy the dips as our signal continues to stay "long".  T-Index climbed above +20.  New long-term forecast was posted Dec 6th...Read it!  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 7, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Thursday.  We continue to get strong "long" signals but the market is just stepping in place.  Closing targets for Thursday's S&P are 1249 and 1266.  For the Nasdaq100 we have 1677 and 1725.  New long-term forecast was posted yesterday...Read it!  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 6, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Wednesday.  Good news today as unit labor costs dropped and productivity surged.  The market however only gained a small amount, most likely, allowing for another up-move tomorrow.  I posted a new long term forecast today so. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 5, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Tuesday.

The market put a small dent in the weekend's forecast with a lower Monday.  We are undeterred and continue to hold our long position.  Our T-Index remains in the low +20's. The Fed meets next week with most expecting another quarter point hike. There does not seem to be much working room for increases without damage to the economy since the demand for loans is exceeded by the amount of money available to loan, reflected in the 10 year rates still below the highs set this past March.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 2, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Monday.   We moved back to 100% long Friday afternoon.  As of this writing I expect the market to continue higher unbothered until late in the week.  Our T-Index is at +21.  Monday's closing targets for the S&P are 1256 and 1280, for the Nasdaq100 we have 1693 and 1743.    Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  December 1, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity for Friday.  We reduced our exposure to 50% for Friday.  The strong up-move (+3.8% in our Velocity fund) made up for the last three days of pull back.  This sharp move left the probabilities near even, but when considering the day of the week effect, the nod is for a small continuation of the rally on Friday.  T-Index held at +22.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software. 


Comments:  November 30, 2005

Long, 100% Velocity for Thursday.  Our signal strengthened to fully long.  T-Index improved to +22.   Market should be ready to resume its upside thrust.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 29, 2005

50% Long Velocity for Wednesday.  The signal turned unsteady near the close, toying between fully long and "out".  We split the difference and went 50% long.  T-Index holding at +19.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 28, 2005

100% Long Velocity for Tuesday.  Buying on the dips would make sense in this over-bought market.  I do not believe the dips will be very deep or of very long duration.  Our signal is strong.  Targets for Tuesday's S&P are 1243 and 1267 for the NDX we see 1669 and 1706.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 25, 2005 

100% Long Velocity for Monday.  Recent program changes seem to be working well.  We now show 29 positive trades with only 11 losses since the later part of August.  Keep your eye on the T-Index for and weakness in the economy it closed at +18.  We should see larger daily moves this coming week as traders come back from the Holiday.  So far it looks like clear sailing ahead.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 23, 2005

Signal is 100% money market.  We are however long 50% Velocity since we had a very positive signal till a few minutes prior to the close.  The markets will close early on Friday so the markets are not expected to move very much either way.  Our T-Index gained to +21 and our intermediate term view is positive.  Probabilities are not reliable on the shortened day.  Have a very nice Thanksgiving and I will post early on Friday.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 22, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity for Wednesday.  Another good day for the market, but our advanced warning light came on today and there is a good chance we will have a pause on Friday.  Our T-Index closed at +19 and our intermediate term forecast does not see any major negatives for the next few months clearing the way for a continuation of the rally with only minor pull backs going into the new year.  The key here is watching the T-Index for signs of weakness.  We do not want that index to go below zero, which would indicate weakness in the economy.  Closing targets for Wednesday's S&P are 1253 and 1270, for the NDX we have 1669 and 1717.  Considering it is the day before Thanksgiving the trading range will probably be much less.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 21, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity for Tuesday.  As we mentioned in our previous forecast we are moving to a new forecasting format.  We are just trading the Nasdaq100 through the Rydex Velocity and Rydex Venture funds.  We  will be in the market every day with the exception of those days where the signal is unstable near the close.  The Thanksgiving week is usually a positive one for the market and it is off to a good start this year also.  Our T-index closed at +17. ( positive but weak).  Closing targets for Tuesday's S&P are 1247 and 1263 for the NDX 1666 and 1712.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 20, 2005

75% Money market, Long: 12.5% Velocity, 12.5% Titan for Monday.  There will be a significant change in the forecasts starting on Monday.   After reviewing the previous years method I found that almost all the program components have shown significant gains, greatly exceeding those of the indices,  yet the combined methodology remains mired within a small trading range.  Over the past two and a half months we have achieved a greater than two to one correct to incorrect  ratio with only a few % gained.  Starting Monday I have introduced a new way to combine these excellent program segments, we will trade the NDX exclusively, utilizing the Rydex Venture and Velocity funds and we will trade on a daily basis.  We will either be 100% or 50% in the market at all times unless we have an unstable signal near the close.  Being in the market near 100% of the time will provide more data for the probability analysis which I am hopeful should continue to reflect the better than 2 to 1 ratio of correct forecasts.   Closing targets for Monday's S&P are 1241 and 1256, for the NDX we have 1660 and 1706.  This recent work has prevented me from issuing a new long-term forecast, but now that the work is complete I will be able to post one later in the week.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 17, 2005

75% Money market, Long: 12.5% Velocity, 12.5% Titan for Friday.  Strong up day in the techs pulled everything else along. T-Index slid to +16.  At the current rate of decline we could be just a few weeks from going negative. Flat signal with positive leanings.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 16, 2005

75% Money market, Short: 12.5% Venture, 12.5% Tempest for Thursday.  A flat signal and split probabilities.  The SPX is weaker than the S&P at this point, and I believe the S&P will pull the NDX lower on Thursday.  The emerging problem is now the 10 year notes which do not want to go higher.  Once again the bobbed under 4.5%. This reflects in the T-Index bringing it lower, and now at only +17.  I will post a new long term report this weekend as the the weakening condition of the T-Index is cause for alarm. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 15, 2005

100% money market for Wednesday.  Tuesday's small fall-off does not seem like enough to scare anyone, and the market should go higher, at least in the morning.  Our signal for Wednesday is flat with the probabilities leaning to the up-side.  One distressing note is the T-Index which closed at +21 after being over +30 earlier in the month.  I really would like to see the T-Index go higher if we are to have any faith in a prolonged recovery.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 14, 2005

Short: 50% Tempest, 50% Venture for Tuesday.  We have a strong short signal for Tuesday.  The market tried to go higher the last two days and it looks like what doesn't go up, must come down, but we shall see.  Our program shows some downward pressure prior to Thanksgiving.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 13, 2005

100% Money market for Monday.  Although the trend is up the markets will have great difficulty continuing without a pause at this point.  Monday should go lower.  Once we have a down day or two and if they are not severe we should be able to continue with the uptrend.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.      


Comments:  November 10, 2005

25% Long, 75% money market for Friday.  After early losses the market surged ahead on Thursday as weakness in oil prices and a drop in the 10 year bond yield stimulated buy orders.  Some selling will probably come in near Friday's close.  For Friday  we have a flat signal with positive probabilities.  The market is climbing despite being overbought from a technical point of view.  This type of condition usually does not last too long.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.      


Comments:  November 9, 2005 

25% Short, 75% Money market for Thursday. We split the 25% between the Tempest and Venture Rydex funds.  Our signal is still flat with some negative probabilities.  Our longer term indication is still for some weakness on the way to Thanksgiving then all clear.  Our indicator called for the drop starting the end of September, but after the initial fall the S&P made up most of it and the Ndx actually went higher. Past Thanksgiving our only concern is the strength of the T-Index.  If it stays above zero we should have a nice run for a few months.  Today's T-Index closed at +27.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.      


Comments:  November 8, 2005 

100% Money market for Wednesday.  Once again our signal is flat.  This time the probabilities are mixed.  I would give the edge to the up-side.  The drop in long term interest rates squeezed our T-Index back down to +25.  Toll Brothers reported weaker demand for homes and closed lower by 14% causing other home building related stocks to fall.  Recently I noticed UPS's new trucks. They are made special with flat "bolt on" panels in the front, for easy "cheap" repairs, in cases of small accidents.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.      


Comments:  November 7, 2005

100% Money market for Tuesday.  Another flat signal, but this time the probabilities are mixed,  leaning slightly to the downside.    The good news (longer term) is that the T-Index crept higher closing at +31Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 6, 2005

50% long, 25% Titan, 25% Velocity for Monday.  Our signal is flat, but the probabilities are positive and we moved 50% long.  Possible test of recent highs here, but one more dip prior to Thanksgiving still looks likely and should provide a good buying opportunity.  Closing targets on the S&P are 1214 and 1229 for the Nasdaq 100 we have 1615 and 1637.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 3, 2005

100% Money market for Friday.  It appears that the market may have put in its low for the rest of the year.  This does not rule out giving up a significant portion of the recent gains in the next two weeks, but going below the 1176 closing low of mid October now looks unlikely.  I will wait another week or two before following the rally. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 2, 2005

Short: 50% Tempest, 50% Venture for Thursday.  Excellent week so far for the markets should stall on Thursday.  We have a strong "short" signal and our probabilities show about a 2 to1 chance of going lower with the potential amplitudes of the move also 2 to 1 on the down side.  The daily and weekly charts show the indexes at a declining tops line so it should be an interesting day. The indexes and the rates on the 10 year notes are both at 20 day highs, a negative condition.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1203 and 1222 for the NDX we see 1565 and 1614.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  November 1, 2005

100% Money market for Wednesday.  Once again we have a  weak short signal, but the probabilities are making  us cautious.  The Fed raised rates with more to come. This is not good news for the near term.  Our T-Index closed the day at +25 near the low end of what we like to see in a strong economy.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 31, 2005

100% Money market.  We have a weak "short" signal for Tuesday, but the probabilities are mildly positive so I chose to sit the day out.  Monday's strong action came as a surprise to us even though the charts looked prime for the up move.  Although we had run 21 gains with only 7 losses in the past two months prior to Monday I never like taking a big hit.  The action looked like some insight into positive FED comments may have been leaked, but the weak close doesn't support that theory and the FED most likely will continue raising rates until the 10 year notes move a fair amount higher, squeezing the real-estate market.  Closing targets for Tuesday are 1202 and 1215 for the S&P and 1562 and 1598 for the NDX.  Nothing has changed in my overall opinion, I still think we will have a number of strong down days left before the market really takes off to the up-side.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 28, 2005

Short: 50%Tempest, 50% Venture for Monday.  Good news on Friday about the strength of the economy may turn into bad news on Monday as the Fed may be more inclined to pursue its rate raising agenda.  I don't think the market will run much higher prior to the Fed meeting on the first of November.  The S&P move on Friday was significant, the NDX move, though solid, was little more than half the S&P.   We moved fully short aligned with our negative signal and negative probabilities.  Closing targets for Monday's S&P are 1188 and 1203, for the NDX we have 1532 and 1577.  The T-Index closed at +27Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 27, 2005MZ

100% Money market for Friday.   Thursday we witnessed the Nasdaq 100 cracking through its rising bottoms line. This will enable the S&P to make its fourth attempt to break through its "triple bottom" formation that started on October 12th.  Thursday's action eradicated all of the Bernanke bounce we saw on Monday in the NDX and S&P.  The NYSE is still holding some gains, but it is already below its October 12th level.   Another ~3% drop (which I think is reasonable)  will bring us to the April lows in the S&P and the July lows in the Nasdaq 100.  For Friday our signal is flat and the probabilities are in balance. I expect the markets will hold for a day as investors ponder the next direction and await the indictments coming out of Washington, but any move of significance will most likely have some follow-through on Monday in the same direction.  House prices are starting to fall, which along with any further Stock market drop, could induce the Fed to suggest a pause in tightening after the Nov 1 rate raise.  This could be the key to a turn around so watch for comments from the Fed during November.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 26, 2005

100% Money market for Thursday.  The probabilities are still calling for a down day, but our signal went flat and we moved fully into the money market for Thursday.  I am looking for another test of the recent lows soon, prior to any prolonged up-move.  I suspect that this will happen within a month.  Closing targets for Thursday for the S&P are 1184 and 1196.  For the Nasdaq 100 we see 1559 and 1599.  Our T-Index did improve to +30.  I like seeing this index above 30 to give us a cushion.  The higher this number, the better the interest rate conditions for the economy.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 25, 2005

50% Short:  25% Venture, 25% Tempest for Wednesday. After giving up half of Monday's gain the markets recouped most of their earlier loss (on Tuesday). We are holding our short positions. Closing S&P targets are 1187 and 1203. For the NDX we have 1560 and 1601.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 24, 2005

50% Short for Tuesday.  The nomination of Ben Bernanke may have been leaked prior to the open, but either way the market responded well to his nomination.  I am pleased with Bernanke as he has shown a clear understanding of inflation and deflation. His writings can be found on the internet in various places and are easy to read.  The markets will have a tougher time gaining much more near term and I expect a small pull back on Tuesday, maybe half of Monday's gain.  The T-Index gained a bit to close at +25.  Closing targets for Tuesday's S&P are 1191 to 1206.  For the NDX we have 1571 and 1602.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 21, 2005

100% Money market for Monday.  Good week for us as we picked up over 2% in our accounts.  I had strengthened some of the weaker areas of the program and the results have been very positive.  The T-Index is still an important part of our program and that indicator closed at +22.  This is the weakest we have seen in a year, but it is still positive and indicating a strong economy.  The Nasdaq is now much stronger than the Dow and S&P and if it continues could turn the market around prior to our Thanksgiving date, but I don't believe that much sooner.  With Friday closing higher the prognosis for Monday has improved and we may see some small carry-over gains.  Closing targets for the S&P 1173 and 1186, for the Nasdaq100 we see 1546 and 1577.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 20, 2005

Short: 25% Venture, 25% Tempest for Friday.  Our exit at the morning fix gave us the tiniest of gains and saved us from the fall that followed.  The S&P now shows a tipple bottom. The Nasdaq 100 has a rising bottoms line at the three points and is much stronger than the S&P.  I expect we will see a test of the Nasdaq 100 closing low of 1521 from October 12.  This means the S&P bottom will not hold and a crack in the S&P would bring it to 1160 or so, for first support.  This could happen by Monday.  Hurricane Wilma and Ford Motors are not helping and Wednesday's big up-move took the energy out of any pent up demand for stocks.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1169 and 1185, for the NDX we have 1522 and 1572.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 19, 2005

87% Money market, 13% long (Velocity) for Thursday.  Large up-move on Wednesday gave all the technical indications of a change in the markets direction from South to North.  We had the successful test of the low,  providing a bounce off of a double bottom.  We had a  reversal of a large down day with an even bigger up-day.  All is rosy right?  Well probably not. I am not ready to call this the start of a long term rally.  Our signal was flat and the final upsurge of the day took most of the potential out of a gain for Thursday.  I will exit our small long position at the early fix.   Target's for Thursday's close on the S&P are 1190 and 1208, for the NDX we have 1548 and 1589.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 18, 2005

75% Money market, 25% long (Velocity) for Wednesday.  We had a weak "long" signal going into the close, but it turned into an "out" at the bell.  The probabilities are positive. However the aftermarket is weak and the opening will most likely be lower.  A bad item is the weakening of the T-Index now at only +26.  If our T-Index goes negative we will have to change our forecast for a recovery starting around Thanksgiving.  Closing targets for Wednesday's S&P are 1171 and 1187 for the Nasdaq100 we have 1520 and 1561.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    

Comments:  October 17, 2005

100% Short for Tuesday.  We now have a number of indicators moving together giving individual "short" signals.  The probabilities also look bad with only a 23% chance of going higher for the S&P the NDX is no better.  We moved fully short.  Tuesday's closing targets for the S&P are 1179 and 1194.  For the NDX we have 1514 and 1599.  The T-Index is also declining, now at +31.  Remember, even though we have a very negative signal for Tuesday there is still a  chance that the markets could go higher, so use caution in your trading.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 14, 2005

100% money market for Monday.  We missed Friday's rally but still had a gain for the week.  We continue to play it safe for Monday.  I think there may be some early  AM positive carry-over but our signal is flat and the underpinnings of this market are not strong.  Closing targets for Monday in the S&P are 1180 and 1196, in the NDX we have 1525 and 1557.  Watch prices carefully over the next few weeks. If the S&P falls below 1170 our next target is 1140.  If we get there too soon there may be even more damage coming.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 13, 2005

100% money market for Friday.  After a positive opening the markets took a deep dip to new recent lows then rallied with some indices closing positive and some negative. We gained over 1/2 % and moved into the money market. The S&P now shows losses in 8 of the last 9 days.  Long term interest rates took a large jump pushing mortgage rates higher. In my June 1st long-term forecast I suggested you watch Tol Brothers TOL for signs that the real estate market was weakening.  That stock peaked mid July and has now dropped 36%.  The stock market is very over-sold from a technical point of view but there seems to be more damage to be done over the next four to six weeks so be patient and don't be lured into any rally attempts at this stage, since they most likely will not last very long.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 12, 2005

Long: 60% Titan, 40% Velocity for Thursday.  Our accounts escaped another bad day for the markets.  After an early rise the markets pulled back hard.  As we suggested in yesterday's update, the NDX was much weaker than the S&P.  The probabilities for Thursday look more promising.  The S&P has now been down 7 of the past 8 days.  Interest rates on the 10 year notes are on the rise again, now at 4.441%, the highest since April.  Closing targets for Thursday on the S&P are 1172 and 1186, for the NDX look for 1507 and 1543.  I am looking for an up-day, but not a miracle, I think the market will continue to go lower over time.  In our last long-term forecast posted August 31st I said we expected a 5% drop in the S&P starting the end of September.  We have already dropped over 4% so it looks like the final number will probably be greater.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 11, 2005

100% money market for Wednesday.  The markets reversed an early morning rise to close lower.  We squeaked out a small gain for Tuesday.  Wednesday our signal is mixed with the NDX much weaker than the S&P.  Best to stay in the money market.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 10, 2005

75% money market, (exit 25% Venture at AM fix) for Tuesday.  Our signal changed at the close from an "out" with negative probabilities to a "Long" with neutral probabilities.  We will once again exit our trade at the AM fix.  Looks like we could get an up-side bounce for a day or two about here based on the weekly charts, but it should be short lived.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1175 and 1195, for the NDX we have 1526 and 1568.  Our T-Index closed at +35.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 8, 2005

100%  money market for Monday. (exit a 50% velocity position at the morning fix).  We had technical difficulties moving part of our position into the money market near the close on Friday and will have to exit our position at the morning fix.  Hopefully the bomb scare in NYC will be defused.  Monday (terrorism aside) should be another quiet day due to Columbus day and the bonds on holiday.  The longer term influences are now negative and I expect to see lower prices over the next five or six weeks. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 6, 2005

100% Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Friday.  Wild ride on Thursday, with the S&P retracing about two thirds of its loss.  The Nasdaq did not fare as well, recovering only about 40%.  We have gone fully long.  With our longer term influences turning positive for a couple of days and our probabilities looking strong.  I feel strongly that the drop is not over and there will be more hard times going into November. Friday and Monday may be a good chance to lighten up.  With the bonds closed on Monday and having an early close on Friday I do not expect much market activity either of those days, but a small gain should ensue.  If we look for a bottom in roughly five to six weeks I would select about 1170 on the S&P.  If we see the market going below that in under 4 weeks we might revise that number to about 1140.  The T-Index is holding up well, closing at +37, telling us that this is not a long term drop.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 5, 2005

100% money market for Thursday.  Not withstanding that we were also in the wrong direction yesterday (luckily less than 50% long), this drop was not unexpected and I believe only the beginning of a larger spill.  Words from my last few days: 

Sept. 29, 2005...."We are forecasting a move to intermediate term lows starting now and going into mid to late November." 

Oct. 2 2005....  "More likely we have seen the gains and the market will head lower from here until Thanksgiving."

Thursday should see some stabilization and I expect some recovery Friday and / or Monday.  If you have not lightened up, the next few days could be a good time to do so.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 4, 2005

Long: 22% Titan, 22% Velocity, 56% money market for Wednesday.  The market reversed earlier gains on Tuesday.  Expect more choppiness over the next week or so. By late October early November the down days should get nasty.  The Nasdaq 100 could surprise us with a short spike higher. It has not gotten close to the early August highs and may make one last attempt to do so.  That may take place in the Friday / Monday time frame.  I doubt if the attempt will get it very far.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1204 and 1222.  For the NDX we have 1577 and 1629.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 3, 2005

80% money  market, Short 20%:  10%  Tempest, 10% Venture, for Tuesday.  Signal still flat but leaning negative. Probabilities look more negative for the NDX.  Heating oil has increased significantly over last year.  Natural gas costs are up 50%. We should see some negative impacts on the economy after the winter heating bills become a reality.  Expect the first significant bills to hit in late October.  The stock market may anticipate a strong reaction and head lower.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  October 2, 2005

100% Money market for Monday.  Again our signal is flat, this time the probabilities are positive, but the amplitudes are more negative.  This is not a good sign as there is more to lose than to gain.  Overall the economy is still positive with the T-Index closing the week at a +35.  The intermediate term reading which reflects multi- month changes in stock prices and interest rates has gone negative and generally under these conditions the market does not make significant gains and most often falls back.  The most optimistic case I can make would show some small market gains early in October with the market weakening more significantly into early November.  More likely we have seen the gains and the market will head lower from here until Thanksgiving. With the T-Index positive we can consider any drop temporary.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 29, 2005

100% Money market for Friday.   Our signal is flat, but the probabilities are still positive.  It appears that this is a short term top.  I believe we may have a stronger opening, but there is potential for weakening during the day and maybe a sell off by the close. We are forecasting a move to intermediate term lows starting now and going into mid to late November.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 28, 2005

100% Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Thursday.  We now have a strong "long" signal along with good probabilities.  The wild card is always the price of oil, but we also have a positive signal from our oil indicator.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1212 and 1226.  For the NDX we look to 1552 and 1598.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 27, 2005

Sorry missed forecast..  50% Money market, 50% Titan for Wednesday.  Probabilities look good for the S&P and we are near the end of the month so we could get some push from end of month buying. Other than that our signal is flat.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 26, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity, 50% Titan for Tuesday.  Small upside disappeared as oil prices turned around and went higher on Monday.  We are holding on to our long positions.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 25, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity, 50% Titan for Monday.  We held our long position over the weekend.  We should have a few days of rejoicing then I believe we will get back to reality and start heading lower.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 22, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity, 50% Titan for Friday.  We had a small rally late in the day on Thursday.  Friday should see a continuation, and our longer term work shows positive influences until Thursday.  This may just hold the market in place as it now looks like the market will not test the previous highs in the near future.  Oil, storms and Fed rate hikes should take their toll over the next two months and I expect most of our transactions will be in the bear funds.    Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.    


Comments:  September 21, 2005

25% long: Velocity for Thursday.  The market seems to be setting up for a rally on Friday with the possibility of a start late Thursday.  The Friday rally should carry over into Monday, but I see it burning our before the end of the week.  After that we should be headed lower through the week before Thanksgiving.  At least that is what our technical readings are showing.  Oil prices are now going up on the temporary conditions in the Gulf and should lower soon. The long term interest rates gave Greenspan the razz and came down on Wednesday and are still lower than they were on OCT 1, 2004.  How about a radical idea?  Salary caps.  Salary caps are used in baseball, why not in corporate America?  Public corporations are responsible to the share holders, but almost always the bulk of the share holders have no real say in how the companies spend their money.  A radical salary cap on all corporate officers and employees of say $1 Million to $2 Million dollars a year, salary and perks (including pension contributions and stock options). This could be done over a few years time, cutting salaries by half each year until the minimum was reached. This would save most corporations millions a year.  Also, golden parachutes should be outlawed.  Each million dollars saved can hire about 50 new employees at $10 per hour, be used for investment or paid out in the form of dividends to the share holders. Public corporations should not be the play toys of a few insiders, and those officers should not have the opportunity of looting the corporation.  If they want to play, let them play with their own private companies. I suggest private companies have no salary caps, after all, a private company is spending its own money, not share holder money.  Officers of public corporations are not entrepreneurs.  Their high salaries and perks are not really creating jobs. This restructuring could put the cash where it would be better utilized and raise the price of stocks.  Do we really need  thousands of Grassos or Kozlowskis (NYSE / Tyco) picking the bones of America?  I welcome your comments.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 20, 2005

100% Long:  50% Velocity, 50% Titan for Wednesday.  The rate rise turned the market gain into a loss for Tuesday.  I believe it will have longer term negative implications.  Our signal is positive for Wednesday, though we may have a lower opening. Even with an up-day we should be very close to the end of the upside for awhile.  I hope we can get a few days positive run out of this.  S&P closing targets are 1213 and 1235; for the NDX we have 1562 and 1599.  The Fed jerked the T-Index back down to +29Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 19, 2005

75% Money market 25% short for Tuesday. Oil jumped four dollars and was mostly responsible for Monday's stock decline.  We took a small position in the Tempest fund for Tuesday.  The Fed meeting on Tuesday makes the day a toss up.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 18, 2005

100% money market for Monday.   The Fed meets on Tuesday and the market will adjust prior to the Fed meeting adding an extra influence.  Should be a choppy week.  We stayed out, although the signal is "short", so I expect a small adjustment lower.  The August 3rd highs in the S&P and NDX have not been tested and unless the market falls rapidly apart the test should come this week. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 15, 2005

100% money market for Friday.  Our T-Index has started climbing and is now at +39 a substantial improvement from the 23 it hit at the end of August.  The 90 day bills are at the lows of August.  The 10 years,  though substantially above the August lows, are just below the average rate for August.  It seems like the market is adjusting for a rate increase but the T-Bills are expecting no change.  Anyway a rise in the T-Index is encouraging for the long term.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 14, 2005

Long: 75% Titan, 25% Velocity for Thursday.  Good thing we stayed in the money market on Wednesday.  We expect a rally as our signal is "long" and probabilities look good.  Headlines in the Financial Times Wednesday says Fed expected to raise rates.  That would account for the past two days adjustment.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 13, 2005

100% money market for Wednesday.  The markets pulled back on Tuesday. I do not think the S&P will go much lower without re-testing the highs we saw in August so I see a rally prior to the Fed meeting, or one just after the meeting.  I would think that one will negate the other, I don't think it will be all or none. Wednesday's probabilities are positive, but once again the amplitudes are stronger on the down side.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 12, 2005

100% money market for Tuesday.  Most likely we shall see some lower prices on the Nasdaq and fairly flat in the S&P.  The projected amplitudes for both indexes lean to the negative.  I believe the markets will continue to make some headway into the Fed Meeting.  A rise in rates would probably mark the short term top, while a hold might extend the rally for about a week.  Either way I fear we are near a correction.  Our T-Index closed at +32. The rapid slide in the T-Index seems to have abated for now.  Closing targets for Tuesday's S&P are 1230 and 1248 for the Ndx we have 1587 and 1635.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 9, 2005

Long: 60% Velocity for Monday.  Once again our signal is flat, but the probabilities are favoring the Nasdaq 100  for Monday and we believe the markets will rally going into the next Fed meeting.  The T-Index is  +31.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 8, 2005

Long: 60% Titan for Friday.  Our signal is flat, but the probabilities are favoring the S&P for Friday and we believe there is one more up-thrust left in this market.  The T-Index is creeping higher now at +32Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 7, 2005

100% Money market for Thursday.  We should have another day of flattening out before any continuation of the up-swing.  On the 20th the Fed meets again and that will be the most significant meeting to date since investors are pricing in no-change. If interest rates are pushed higher there could be some blood spilled.... But that is two week away and we could see a few percent up in that time.  T-Index climbed back over 30 and sits at +31.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.  


Comments:  September 6, 2005

Long 50%, for Wednesday.  Looks like the rally will take out the previous highs by months end.  We are only 1% away on the S&P so it could happen rather quickly.  It is not only the US 10 year note that has dropped.  Other countries are experiencing the same conditions.  Our T-Index closed the day at +28.  The dollar however, has lost ground recently and the stock market generally follows the dollar's direction so i expect that this rally will need the support of the dollar if it is to continue into the fall.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  September 2, 2005

25% short...missed posting.


Comments:  September 1, 2005

100% Money market for Friday.  With the problems compounding in the South it looks more certain that the string of interest rate hikes will be cut sooner than later. This is good news for the stock market and should give us the energy to test the recent highs.  Interest rates fell in both the short and long term maturities Thursday and the T-Index moved up a few points to +27.   This is also a boon for the real estate market in general and the builders of smaller homes in particular which will continue to sell as the difference in cost between rents and mortgages becomes smaller.  A long term posting went up yesterday!  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 31, 2005

Long: 50% Velocity for Thursday.  Higher oil prices are leading investors to believe that the economy will suffer which in turn will cause the Fed to stop raising interest rates.  The rate on the 10 year notes dropped to 4.02 and the markets had a party.  So here is the equation; disaster + high oil prices = rally in stock market.  Strange isn't it?  Especially since the lower rates will add more fuel to the real estate market which may work in reverse to cause Mr. Greenspan push short term rates even higher.  Wha?.......  Looks like the  could go a little higher on Thursday.  The XOI, which I mentioned as trailing the oil price, made up for it by jumping 3% on Wednesday. Out T-Index closed lower again at  +23. Closing estimates for the S&P on Wednesday are 1214 and 1226, for the Ndx we have 1562 and 1596.  New long term posting went up today!  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 30, 2005

60% Money market, 40% Velocity for Wednesday.  What started out as a strong up signal for Wednesday faded into the close.  The T-Index lost ground to +24 and seems determined to show Mr. Greenspan who is in charge.  The flare up in oil prices may not have that much more to go as the XOI is not reflecting the surge, it having topped on August 12th.  Closing estimates for the S&P on Wednesday are 1199 and 1218, for the Ndx we have 1543 and 1585.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 29, 2005. 

100% Money market for Tuesday.  The probabilities are positive, but the potential amplitudes favor the down side.  Tuesdays also have a habit of reversing Monday's direction.  I did a lot of work on the program over the weekend and adjusted the longer term forecast.  It now looks like the challenge to the previous highs may take place in September. I expect a choppy market in September but the highs should be reached by the last few days in the month.  Then we should take cover till about Thanksgiving. Our  T-Index now sits at +28,  and should be able to hold positive through the coming month.  I will have a new long term forecast posted later this week focusing on the possibility that we may now be in a short period of expansion that may be part of a longer term contraction or stagnation of the economy.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 28, 2005.Caution the storm in New Orleans has caused the price of oil to shoot past $70 per barrel. This most likely will send the markets into a dive at the open.  All eyes will be on the storm and oil prices. 

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Monday.


Comments:  August 25, 2005. no comments missed posting.

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Friday.


Comments:  August 24, 2005.

100% Money market.  The markets were doing very well until an unfortunate sharp rise in the price of oil crushed the rally.  We have very mixed sentiment for Thursday and it is best to stay out. The Vix index climbed to over 14 a level not seen since May.  This will help our indicators and provide some larger daily moves to the market.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 23, 2005.

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Wednesday.  I continue to hold yesterday's viewpoint.  T index however hit a new low of +32. If we don't get a rally soon we may be out of reasons to have one.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 22, 2005.

Long 100% Velocity for Tuesday.  I believe this pull back is over and the market should launch another aggressive assault on the recent highs.  This should start Tuesday or Wednesday.  Other than a sharp rise in the price of oil or major negative event we should test the old highs during the next few weeks.  Closing targets for Tuesday's S&P are 1217 and 1228.  For the Nasdaq 100 we see 1566 and 1599.  Monday's T-Index closed at +35.    Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 21, 2005. 

Short:  10% Tempest, 10% Venture, 80% money market for Monday.  Oil continues to have a very negative impact on the markets.  Oil jumped up over $2 a barrel on Friday.  Closing targets for Monday are 1208 and 1226 for the S&P and 1548 and 1602 for the Ndx.  I continue to expect another run to reach the previous highs by early September and then a sell off into mid November.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 18, 2005.

100% money market for Friday.  Our T-Index closed the day at +35.  This is not a bad reading and should be reflecting an economy that has the proper conditions to prosper.  However oil prices have significantly curbed the upside potential.  The rally I expected in August was side swiped by a rise in oil prices.  The NDX is now off 3% from the end of July.  In my opinion there is still time for a small run to the recent highs before some other interest rate and pricing forces combine to cause another down draft of a more significant nature.  For Friday the NDX looks bad and the S&P is just passing. Hopefully the rally will resume on Monday. A new long term forecast was posted this week. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 17, 2005.

Long: 60% Velocity, 40% Titan for Thursday.  Big drop in oil price moved indices forward on Wednesday.  The Nyse fell and the S&P made only a small gain.  Thursday should see more gains.  The T-Index recovered some to +37.  Oil should continue lower if the falling price scare takes hold.  A new long term forecast was posted this week. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 16, 2005.

Short 25%, 75% money market for Wednesday.  It was reported that Mr.Soros pulled out of energy stocks the end of June.  Could be that energy may top here (short term).  Going back to December the S&P tried three times to go above the 1220 (aprox.) level before finally pushing higher in july/August.  It would be good to see a pause at this level.  This is an important psychological support level so we hope 1219 holds. Closing targets for the S&P are 1203 and 1229,  for the Nasdaq100 we have 1542 and 1594.  The T-Index fell some more to 33.  It seems that long term rates are like the old phrase between a rock and a hard place.  If they go higher they slow down the housing boom, hurting the economy.  If they go lower they will push the T-Index negative, reflecting a stagnating economy.  The best would be slightly higher long term rates and slightly lower short term rates.  But that will not happen until the Fed ceases to raise those little guys.  A new long term forecast was posted this week. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 15, 2005.

100% money market for Tuesday.   New long term forecast posted!   Oil pulled back a bit, but ended the day over $66. The market was glad to have a break in the rise and added a few points. Our probability readings are slightly negative and we are staying out.  The T-Index which closed at +35 on Friday gained two points to +37Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 12, 2005...(sorry late posting)

100% money market for Monday.  After a few bad days I further trimmed the variables in our program making it more stable and pulled into the money market for Monday.  The probabilities are barely positive but oil has become more of a wild card and there was not enough of a direction to overcome even a faint hint of higher oil.  Our T-Index fell sharply to +35.  It is still high enough to indicate a strong economy but has fallen far and fast, indicating that a negative number could be around the corner maybe waiting for us in the fall.  I posted new long term comments today, read them.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 11, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Friday.  Very strong up-side probabilities for Friday are balanced by the very strong up-side move in oil prices and very weak last few minutes in the index futures market.  Dell missed the mark and was sliding in the aftermarket.  Looks like a bad opening is in store.  We will have a new long term forecast with reflections on the influence of oil and interest rates on the market posted this weekend.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 10, 2005

Short: 13% Tempest, 12% Venture for Thursday.  High oil prices came up against our up- sided probabilities and won out on Wednesday after a strong morning.  I don't like what I am seeing in the market at this point.  The Nasdaq is losing its up-side energy.   I was expecting a stronger market going in to Labor day, now we have less than three weeks left.  Oil is making new highs, and the real estate market looks ready to roll over.  Not very tempting.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 9, 2005

Long: 75% Velocity for Wednesday.  I have an "out" signal for Wednesday, but with good upside probabilities so I stayed long and reduced our exposure to 75%.   The Fed did as expected and hopefully they will be applauded with a positive day on Wednesday.  Our targets for the S&P are 1225 and 1236, for the Ndx I have 1588 and 1616.  Our T-Index is at +43 sitting it that area for the last two and a half weeks.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 8, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Tuesday.  Monday's market continued the downward path after oil pushed hard to the upside.  Still looking for the indexes to rally but do not want to see the S&P slide much further.  Signal is holding positive.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 5, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Monday.  The small pull back Friday did not tell the whole story.  Many good quality stocks got a sharp wack during the day that is probably a wake-up call for some heavier damage to come around labor day.  I believe this pull back is just about over.  We held our position in the Rydex Velocity fund. Our accounts showed a better than one percent gain for the week, with declines for the indexes.  Closing targets for Monday's S&P are 1213 and 1234.   For the NDX we have 1587 and 1628.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 4, 2005

Long: 100% Velocity for Friday.  We were glad to be in the money market on Thursday.  As I said in yesterday's comments when a signal changes on the close we can't trust it. We have a "long" signal for Friday and it was stable.  The upside probabilities were the same for the S&P and NDX but the downside risk has been less for the NDX under similar conditions so we went with the velocity fund.  Closing targets for the S%P are 1220 and 1243 for the NDX we have 1597 and 1635.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 3, 2005

100% money market for Thursday.  We have a "Long" signal for Thursday with strong upside probabilities for the Ndx.  Despite this, the signal arrived on the close making it suspect.  Earlier probabilities were slightly negative and we had moved into the money market.  This type of activity makes my job more difficult and I am unable to provide a clean call for Thursday.  Our T-Index closed at +42, same as yesterday.  Expect a fairly smooth uptrend into Labor Day, no time to short.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 2, 2005

Long:  37% Titan, 63% Velocity for Wednesday.  Good up day on Tuesday.  Our signal continues long and the probabilities look good for another gain.  The futures market closed at a smaller than normal premium indicating that there may be some selling in the morning.  The Russell 2000 remained in a tight upward trending pattern calling for a higher market.  Overall we look good until Labor Day.  

Interesting article in Tuesday's Financial Times about Tokyo's real estate starting to rebound for the first time in 13 years.  From top to bottom residential land dropped 33% over a 15 year span.  In the six biggest cities residential land prices dropped 65%, while commercial land prices dropped 87%.  Yes real estate can sometimes be a bad investment.  When  the real estate companies  could not repay debts the banks took the losses.  Money which usually moves from real estate to the stock market and back again did not support the market under this beating.  Our current atmosphere of interest only loans on homes that have doubled in value over the past 5 years is an example of what can lead to this type of disaster.  Mortgage rates follow the 10 year note and rate on the note has gone up .43% in the last five weeks.  Higher rates mean fewer buyers qualify for loans.  Keep your eye on the 10 year notes.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  August 1, 2005

Long:  37% Titan, 63% Velocity for Tuesday.  A small up-tick for Monday did not leave us with a lot of confidence for Tuesday.   The signal is strong, but the probabilities are only slightly positive.  Closing targets for the S&P 1230 and 1241 for the Ndx 1592 and 1635.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 31, 2005

Long:  37% Titan, 63% Velocity for Monday.  I am looking for the rally to find new legs this week.  We stay fully long and shifted the bulk of our investment to the NDX with the Velocity fund.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1221 and 1242, for the Ndx we have 1583 and 1623.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 28, 2005

Long:  63% Titan, 37% Velocity for Friday.  So far this week the markets are ahead less than 1% with gains the last three days in a row.  I expect another small gain for Friday.  A brown-out on the east coast caused the downtime at Rydex on Wednesday.  Closing Friday targets for the S&P are 1237 and 1253 for the Ndx we have 1598 and 1634.  I am still very positive for August.  This small creeping up-move is providing gains without the burn-out.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 27, 2005

Flat to lower for Thursday.  Rydex suffered some kind of an outage Wednesday and could not be reached by web or by phone. As a result we are holding yesterday's mixed positions.  This is an exceptionally rare occurrence and we have not experienced it before in our over 4 years of trading with the firm.  Our signal remains a weak "short".  T-Index back up to +44.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 26, 2005

Mixed: Long 25%, Velocity / Short 12.5%, Tempest for Wednesday.  Another weak sell signal, however the probabilities remain mixed, but reversed from Tuesday.  We took our position in line with the probabilities.  Looks like the market is preparing for another up-side run later in the week and is digesting recent gains.  Closing targets for Wednesday's S&P are 1225 and 1242.  For the NDX look to 1577 and 1622.  The T-Index is now down to +40, still in a healthy range, but falling.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 25, 2005

Mixed, Long: 12.5% Titan, Short: 25% Venture for Tuesday.   Odd probabilities for Tuesday.  We have a weak "Short" signal with mixed probabilities.  The S&P is favored to the up side and Nasdaq100 to the downside.  I expected the pause in the rally to be over by Monday, but it looks like there will be a negative carryover into Tuesday, especially in the Nasdaq.   Closing targets for the S&P are 1221 and 1239, for the Ndx we have 1564 and 1604.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 22, 2005

75% money market, Long: 25% Titan for Monday.  The indices managed to have net gains for the week.  There should be more to come through August, but expect the daily moves to be small in line with the reduced volatility.  Out T-Index hit a multi month low on Friday closing at +44. Although we got a weak Long signal for Monday the probabilities favor the down side, especially in the Nasdaq 100.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1223 and 1241, for the NDX we have 1573 an 1615.  We will use any weakness in the market to go long undervalued securities on Monday.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 21, 2005

75% money market, Short: 25% Venture for Friday.  London survives more bombs, China lets their currency float and after the bell Google missed some expectations and dropped sharply.  This may take a bit to digest, but  I expect this pause to have mild downside and short duration.  The rally should continue by Tuesday.  Closing targets for Friday are 1215 and 1237 for the S&P and 1580 and 1617 for the Nasdaq 100.  The T-Index has held in a tight range for a month, closed at +49.  Friday and Monday should provide good opportunity to pick up solid securities that may have a few days of weakness.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 20, 2005

75% money market, Long: 12.5% Velocity, 12.5% Titan for Thursday.  After a few hours of cooling off,  the market charged ahead full steam on Wednesday.  Full steam under these very low volatility readings isn't that much.  The Vix index dipped below 10 intraday.  The market was about 50% more volatile last year at this time so there is less money to be made on a daily basis.  It looks like the market is somewhat stronger than I expected here and we may not get much in the way of a pull back.  We took a small long position for Thursday  matching our weak "long" signal.  Closing targets for the S&P Thursday are 1225 and 1247.  For the Nasdaq100 we have 1586 and 1635.  The market is now up 9 of the past 10 days. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 19, 2005

100% Money market for Wednesday.  Tuesday pushed the market to new highs.  Wednesday will probably cool off.  Our signal is "out" and although the probabilities lean positive the potential amplitudes are more negative.  I am expecting weakness Wednesday and Thursday with some upside on Friday, but it is better to play it day by day.  T-Index slipped a little to +47. Closing targets for Wednesday's S&P are 1221 and 1236 and for the Nasdaq 100 we see 1569 and 1604. Glad to say the two stocks we picked up yesterday on pullbacks, (see below) both gained over 3%.  We will be looking for a few more good buys the next few days. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 18, 2005

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Tuesday.  I am looking for a small up-day for Tuesday before some more down later in the week.  Closing targets for Tuesday for the S&P are 1214 and 1232. For the Nasdaq 100 we have 1555 and 1596.  Interest rates for the 90 day t-bills are more than twice what they were last year at this time, but the 10 year notes are still lower, but not by a lot.  Our T-Index is a healthy +52 and is holding up, indicating that the recent increase in rates is being properly absorbed by the economy and not a threat at this time.  We used today's weakness  to continue purchase of stocks on our undervalued list. Today we added ELNK @ $8.97 and MKSI @18.44. Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 15, 2005

100% Money market for Monday.  The volatility index fell dramatically on Friday.  It has lost about 80% of its value since touching over 50 in July of 2002.  This easing of anxiety is making the market harder to read since we depend in part on investor angst.  The market now has a string of 7days higher.  I don't think we shall see any headway this coming week, but neither do I see much of a decline.  There should be internal rotation in the market which could allow investors to pick up some good securities that may have had a strong run up these past two weeks if they pull back a few percent.  I believe the rally has much more to go after this pause.  The shrinking of the volatility index may confine the market well within the target range for Monday.  For the S&P I have 1219 and 1237 for the Nasdaq 100 I have 1555 and 1607.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 14, 2005

Short: 25% Tempest, 75% money market for Friday.  The markets closed within a few points of the projected resistance cap we called on Monday 6/11. After six up days a pause would be likely.  We have a small negative signal and the the S&P looks weaker than the Ndx  and we moved partially short there.  The T-Index is holding up well at +52.  Expect a week or so of more down than up.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 13, 2005

Long: 25% Velocity, 75% money market for Thursday.  The indexes seem to have run out of steam here, but the rotation in the general market may have let off enough steam in the past two days to get a second wind.  We pulled back to 25% exposure.  I see choppy going for the next week and a half, then a resumption of the uptrend through August.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 12, 2005

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Wednesday.  I expect the rally to end on Wednesday.  The S&P hit the1225 level we called for yesterday and backed off and most likely will try again Wednesday. The Nasdaq100 looks like it will go higher.  We are holding firm.  A worrisome aspect is the further drop in the VIX  to 10.95.  I am much less trusting in the forecasts at this and lower VIX levels.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1216 and 1231 for the NDX we have 1538 and 1579.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 11, 2005

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Tuesday.  We are fully long for Tuesday.  The S&P should run into resistance at the March highs of about 1225 and we may see that tomorrow.  The Nasdaq100 looks like it will  hit resistance at the June highs of 1569.  Our T-index held firm at + 52.  Target closes for the S&P for Tuesday: 1210 and 1230 for the Nasdaq 100 look to 1532 and 1570.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 8, 2005

Long 50% Titan, 25% Velocity, 25% money market.  Oops I thought I posted this over the weekend.  Closing targets for Monday's  S&P are 1203 and 1226.  For the Nasdaq100 we have 1512 and 1556.  With the lower volatilities we continue to see, the range will most likely be smaller.  T-Index climbed a bit to +52.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 7, 2005

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Friday.  Good to see that the terrorist's terrible London bombings could not intimidate the market.  We send our support to the good people in the UK.  Our signal remains positive though we may see a pull back going into the weekend's uncertainty.  Five of our six individual stock positions are showing good gains.  We added three more smaller positions today using a different set of criteria, but still depending upon strong balance sheets as the basis, prior to searching out under valued securities.  These securities are CAMP @ 7.42, BJ @ 30.94 and SRZ @ 56.11.  All the securities we select appear to be very sound financially and undervalued by the criteria that we select.  Our method is to hold these securities until they either appreciate to the point that they are no longer under valued relative to other securities or the fundamentals change, changing their expected value.  All of last weeks selections have appreciated and can be found on our long-term forecast page.   Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 6, 2005

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Thursday.  New highs in oil pushed the market lower.  Only bright spot for us was our individual stocks, posted with our long term forecast.  These stocks we believe to be under valued showed good gains today.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1184 and 1207.  For the Nasdaq 100 we have 1478 and 1520.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts, undervalued stocks and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 5, 2005

Long: 50% Titan, 50% Velocity for Wednesday.  Our probabilities are 3 to 1 in favor of a continuation to the up side for Wednesday and we are fully long.  I posted a new long term forecast  on Sunday and briefly spoke of individual stocks as doing better than picking market direction under low volatility conditions. The four stocks we mentioned and took a position in last week are all higher.  We took two additional positions on Tuesday TPR @ $6.31 and TWi @ $14.  Closing targets for the S&P are 1200 and 1217. for the Nasdaq 100 we have 1493 and 1522.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts and download the free "T" index software.   


Comments:  July 1, 2005

Short:  25% Tempest, 12.5% Venture for Tuesday.  Tuesday could be a near term bottom.  I expect the market to go back up to test the1213 level  then hopefully the 1225 level on the S&P later in the month.  New long term forecast posted Sunday 7/3/05.  Have a happy and safe 4th.  Please pick up your free password so you can read about our longer-term forecasts and download the free "T" index software.   


For earlier comments made in 1st half of 2005 

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For earlier comments made in 1st half of 2004

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For earlier comments made in 1st half of 2003

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For earlier comments made in 1st half of 2002

For earlier comments made in 2nd half of 2001

For earlier comments made early in year 2001

For earlier comments made in year 2000


Don't confuse brains with a bull market.

-----Humphrey Neil